What Election Night Looks Like in a Multiparty System

It was interesting simply on the level of infographics to watch the BBC’s live coverage of last night’s election returns. Here are some of my impressions. For all the fanciness of the graphics you see on CNN, etc., there’s not that much to analyze when only two parties are competing.

Below, we see the vote percentages for the six leading parties in the Scottish district of Dunbartonshire East: Scottish National Party (SNP), Liberal Democrats (LD), Labour (LAB), Conservatives (CON), Green Party (GRN), and UK Independence Party (UKIP).


And here, another view of the same district results, showing the change for each party since the last election. The SNP had a great night, carrying 56 of the 59 electoral districts in Scotland.


And here the graphic shows the district “swing” between two parties: in this case from the Lib Dems to the SNP.


Here’s an analyst in some kind of virtual 3-D clock tower (Big Ben?) What’s he doing in there?


Ah, it’s the “Swingometer”, showing the swing from the Lib Dems to Labour. I guess this is across all districts, since it says “12 seats”.


Here we are with the analyst in the 3-D clock tower, looking back at the panel. I really feel involved in the action. Brill!


Here’s our panel’s “color commentator”, I gather. (Oops, “colour” commentator.) I can’t help but like this guy. George Will can forget about setting up in the UK as long as this chap is around.


Of course, we must have another analyst standing at the “big board”. Here she is explaining the returns from the northern English district of Warwickshire North.


And showing the swing for the same district. The Conservatives held this district. Notice the “TUSC” candidate got 138 votes. That’s the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. Different districts have different leading parties.


Here is Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party. I think this is her “chuffed” look.


Of course, there has to be a map that people can walk on. (You were probably wondering when I was going to show that.) I like the hex shapes.


All I can say is I hope we get to watch such interesting graphics in this country someday.

Author: Dan Eckam